
Privacy policy

The Okinawa Prefectural Enterprise Promotion Foundation (hereinafter referred to as “the Foundation”) has established a Privacy Policy to ensure the safety of users’ privacy information collection, use, and management, and to handle it appropriately in response to your trust.

1. Basic Philosophy

In operating our website (hereinafter referred to as “the Site”) and the Foundation’s email newsletter, we may collect and use privacy information of users (such as name, address, telephone number, affiliation name, email address, etc., information that can identify a specific individual by combining these). We take appropriate management to protect the provided personal information from leakage, theft, loss, destruction, etc.

2. Scope of Information Collection

The Site automatically collects information related to IP addresses, site search queries, and other site browsing information. Cookies are limited to content intended to improve usability and do not contain any personal information. For services like our newsletter distribution, inquiries, and online consultations, we may ask for your address, name, age, gender, occupation, telephone number, email address, etc., as needed. Also, the sender’s email address will be displayed to the recipient. For participation in seminars and other events, we may ask for your address, name, occupation, telephone number, etc., as required by the nature of the activity.

3. Purpose of Use

The Foundation collects personal information necessary for business execution. To facilitate the execution of business, such as expert dispatch and support organization collaboration, the Foundation may provide necessary personal information to contractors.

4. Restrictions on Use and Provision

Except for legal disclosures, illegal activities such as unauthorized access and threats, or other special reasons, the Foundation does not use the collected information for purposes other than those specified in “3. Purpose of Use,” nor does it provide it to third parties. However, information may be disclosed or provided when necessary to protect a person’s life, body, or property and obtaining the person’s consent is difficult, or when necessary for national or local public entities to conduct public affairs and obtaining consent would hinder the execution of such affairs. If users wish to disclose their information, we will confirm the identity of the requester and respond within a reasonable period and scope. However, requests for disclosure to the Foundation that significantly hinder the proper execution of business may not be honored.

5. Safety Measures

The Foundation takes necessary measures to prevent leakage, damage, and proper management of collected information.

  • We appoint a manager responsible for information management and strive for appropriate management of personal information protection.
  • We promptly respond to requests for disclosure or suspension of use of personal information from the person concerned, and if incorrect information is found upon disclosure, we will correct or delete it without delay.
  • We provide necessary security training to all Foundation employees to improve security awareness.
  • We also implement security measures for PCs and servers.

6. Corrections, Deletions, Suspension of Use, etc.

If users wish to correct, add, delete, etc., their personal information held by the Foundation, we will confirm the identity of the requester and make the necessary adjustments. For services like email newsletters that can be unsubscribed by users themselves, we ask users to take action based on their own judgment.

7. Scope of Application

This Privacy Policy applies only to the Site and the email newsletter. For other sites and social media (SNS) operated by the Foundation, please refer to the privacy policies of those services.

8. Handling of Corporate Information

Corporate information (company name, location, contact information, confidential information during consultations, etc.) obtained by the Foundation is handled appropriately according to related laws concerning trade secrets and personal information. For smooth business execution and improvement, we may conduct surveys and use the obtained corporate and personal information.

9.Revision of the Privacy Policy

his Privacy Policy may be revised for the purpose of more appropriate handling by the Foundation based on reasonable factors inside and outside related to personal information.

Last updated on March 9, 2020

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Monday - Friday 9:00-17:00
(Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays)